Tuesday 1 October 2013

Fashion and Textiles Day 3:

Making and Modelling:

After the Fashion Illustrating the day before we started to think about creating a piece or garment that focused on one area of the body. Again working entirely with paper we did loads of quick designs and ideas (coming up with about 40 in a few hours). I decided to focus on shoulder pieces, concentrating on sharp angular structures that would exaggerate the shape of the body. In the end I chose a simple design that had the biggest connection to my starting point, looking at structures. Working with rolled up black card and a lot of sellotape I made a triangular structure that fitted round the shoulders using wire. I was told the end result looks like a wing extending from the body although this was an unintentional though welcome effect as I was focused on asymmetrical shaping and even allusions to armour around the shoulder and upper arm. After finishing our products we were told to photograph them on different levels around the school, thinking about the styling and interactions with surroundings (though told to use only natural lighting). In a similar way to illustrating we were thinking about the impression and mood of the piece we wanted to convey. I modelled the piece myself (as for simplicities sake had made it to fit so as to save worrying about measurements in our limited making time) and Rosie Allen (a classmate) helped me by taking the photos and advising on camera angles and postures. Here are the results:

 The photos above I really liked as something about the positioning of the windows in a small room meant that the natural lighting gave a very nice effect on the photos, giving an almost eerie impression and that and the lines of the curtain behind created an interesting composition.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your final piece came together really well and the pictures you took around the college look professional with the lighting you have used.
