Sunday 20 October 2013

3D Design Catch-Up

Since I missed the first day because of illness, the tutor gave me a brief and some materials to work with in my self-directed study days to try to catch up on some of the work I missed. He said that I wouldn't be able to do the drawing exercises he had introduced by myself; however I could do some of the practical work. I did the best I could with my home resources and no input or feedback from peers or tutors.

The first project was to create a structure to hold a water bottle out of two pieces of A1 paper. Ideas suggested were to play around with things not traditionally considered structures, such as numbers. I used the starting point of the number 8, my house number, and adapted this for its purpose. I ended up with a tube-like piece with holes (for the number) cut into it to support the bottle. I tried to keep to the time limits of the college environment and so the finished piece is quite rough in places:

The next project was to make a piece out of cardboard that could support your own weight about half a foot off the ground. I worked with triangular shapes stuck together for strength to create an octagonal shape. In many ways it was difficult to complete this project at home as due to a lack of feedback from tutors and peers it was difficult to judge and adapt my own work. Nevertheless, the piece did support my weight so I would call this project a success: 

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