Thursday 17 October 2013

3D Design Day Two

 Having missed a few days due to Illness I joined the 3DD rotation week on day two, meaning I had missed some of the drawing principles and basic introductions to structure that had been taught the previous day. This made the project a bit more difficult as I was going in with no experience of the subject.

After experimenting and some design work in our sketchbooks we made a final structure using glue guns to secure the spaghetti. This proved very difficult as the glue took a while to cool making it hard to hold the spaghetti in place, which also broke easily. However I am pleased with the final result, in which I inverted the typical structure which thins out at the top, even though this made it difficult to balance and so lead to some modifications being made during the process. For practical reasons I had to add more supporting sticks than originally planned. I also played around with the ways in which the structure held the balls, having some displayed on the outside while some were contained within the piece. After completing the piece we photographed our work, playing around with shadows and the human relationship with an object, an exploration which I enjoyed contemplating: 

When making my project I took several themes into consideration and tried to communicate them in my structure. One of the ideas I played around with was of using different levels, to resemble a group of buildings. Another was to suggest the escalating perspective when a tall construction  is seen from the bottom.  I worked mainly with triangular shapes to create an asymmetrical piece.  I received positive feedback from peers and tutors in regard to my final product.

Class Work

After finishing our structures we had 45 minutes and 2 sheets of A1 paper to come up with ways to protect the piece from damage from a downward force. Working with ways to reinforce an object was something that had been introduced the day before so I had to rely a little on guess work, rolling up the paper for strength. This was difficult due to the fragility of the spaghetti, and I actually snapped one of the supporting sticks in the process of trying to strengthen it. I felt my final attempt was weak and was not hopeful for the testing stage of our work.

To test the structures we lined them up on the floor at which point our tutor (somewhat forcefully) bounced a basketball off each in turn. Few survived: 

All that was left of my structure

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