Monday 30 September 2013

Fashion and Textiles Day Two:

Fashion Illustration: 

Working with images selected from magazines we were told to create illustrations, in some place using our samples from the day before as a starting point for inspiration. The illustrations should be 3D and work around the figures to create an impression of a garment or structure on the body:




These are some pictures from my classmates that I admired.  The 3D work is very effective and I like the way they both work outside the form. The first image with its complete obscuring of the clothing and body, creates an imaginative and suggestive piece which I really like.


 I enjoyed this project and although I found it difficult at times to create new images I feel it has changed my thought process in designing and illustrating fashion and truly made me appreciate the scope for creativity and originality that it offers. Out of the illustrations I made the ones I feel are most successful are probably 2 & 4 due to the combination of collage and illustration to create a common theme and mood in the image.

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