Sunday 8 September 2013

Object Drawings


When drawing my objects I took some consideration as to how I would present them in order to try and communicate the deeper meaning they have for me. In some cases I felt the simpler drawing were the best way to communicate this.

For my representation of the music box I used a kind of typography with the lyrics to the tune it plays, 'Greensleeves', to outline its features. Although I never found the lyrics particularly inspiring or meaningful to myself growing up I hoped this would show how the small inanimate object produces music and subsequently deeper emotion.

The drawing of my favourite childhood book 'Journey to the River Sea' is a photocopy of the inside pages of the novel, over which I have drawn an image that stuck in my mind as a child. It is of a tree in a hidden lagoon discovered in the novel that offered protection and a hiding place to the characters. Underneath this, pressed between the pages I have drawn a couple of images and people peeking out of the story. This was to try and represent how this small book had a whole familiar and comforting world between its pages for me as a child.

To portray the Disneyland ticket I did a small drawing of it in the foreground of the image and behind it I drew the iconic Disney castle as a symbol of all the stories Disney has adapted and created. Through one of its windows I drew a sleeping child as I felt this showed how the fairytales told affected my imagination as a child.


My next drawing is of the cassette tape of the audiobook of the 'Just So Stories' that I selected for my time capsule. I drew it as though the film inside the tape had spilled out and created images from the stories on the page ('How the Elephant got his Trunk' and 'The Butterfly that Stamped'). As with the drawings of the book and music box this was to try to communicate the story hidden within the inanimate object.


In the drawing I did of the two photographs selected for my time capsule I chose to compare the two to show the passage of time and change between past and present. 


I decided to keep the drawing of my necklace as simple. This was because to me the object in itself has a lot of memory and meaning to me. Also, because of this I thought it would be extremely difficult to draw in all the associations and memories I have in connection with it and communicate them to an observer.


The drawing of my school shirt is just a transcription of the different messages left on it by my friends and classmates. This is because those are where the memories of this object lie, not in its physical form. I tried to mimic the various handwritings as best I could to maintain the variety and individual meanings they have to me.


For the drawing of the tea, as this object
 has little deeper meaning I simply drew out the cover 
art on the tin as I really like 
the colours and patterns.

My final drawing is of the design museum ticket. I chose to draw the sign above the exhibition as I liked the was it dealt with the difficulty of constantly changing times. By flickering between 'was' and 'is' it deals with the past and present simultaneously. I then added the Ravensbourne logo as what the sign was pointing to. This is because of the tickets significance for me as the beginning of my present and future memories as this college.  

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