Sunday 22 September 2013

Lens Based Media Week: Day 1

In preparation for this project we were asked to take several photos of memories in our surroundings. Things connected with our fears, dreams and experiences. Here are just a few of the ones I took:

Then in studio time we picked a photo and drew. I picked the photo of the chess pieces which represents not only my childhood memories of playing chess with my Dad (who taught me when I was around 4 or so) but also I felt it shows my fear of confrontation due to the perspective of the pieces in the foreground towering over the others:

We were then asked to think about perspective and how by photographing and selecting different angles of the pictures we could convey a different meaning or story. For example to the left and below you can see two images of the same general section of the picture. However in the top one, due to the angle, I tried to convey the  idea of the knight towering over the pawn, whereas below the roles are reversed in the ordinary perspective.
Thinking about this we looked at the work of John Hilliard, who is famous for his photographs depicting 4 causes of death, which are actually all the same body but from different perspectives. Going with this idea we took 6 photos representing different emotions or scenarios; Fall, Crush, Happy, Sad, Echo & Jump:

Although I really enjoyed the ideas and principles we looked at and were working with, I found this project quite difficult. I am completely new to this area of study. However the core idea of narrative intrigues me and so I am looking forward to developing new skills and outlook as I explore this pathway.

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