Tuesday 20 May 2014

Photoshoot - Outcome

 Having taken over 400 photos I now had quite a job going through them. I needed photos that accurately represented my garment while also being framed and styled in an appropriate way to suggest my themes. I also had to consider the poses of the model, angle of shot and lighting in each. It took me a while to narrow down the photos, and I consulted peers and tutors to help determine which photos worked best. Having selected out about 20 I then began editing them. Some needed fundamental editing, for example cropping or in some cases photoshopping out objects accidentally caught in the mirror reflection. With most however, I just brightened the colours. Below is a selection of the photos I picked out. Special thanks to Alice Robinson, the model:

Once I had a selection of enhanced photos, I began experimenting with them, thinking about after-effects I could add and colour scheme changes to add interest to them. I also experimented with making some of my into anaglyphs, so as to really bring out my original themes. I hope you have access to 3D glasses for these (although something I have unfortunately found is that different kinds of 3D glasses have a different effect. The images below work best with bright shades of cyan in the right lens and red in the left):  

When taking the photos, a theme I was thinking about was the idea of movement, and thinking back to my influences from Muybridge I set the camera to take sequential photos of Alice to capture the motion. I took several of these, some of spinning, running etc. and these are the ones I feel work best:

I particularly like the spinning one as it provides views of the garment from all angles. I could also take these photos and make them into flick books to add an interactive and fun element to my project. Although photography is not my strongest area I am reasonably happy with my photographs as a conclusion to my project and feel they meet the criteria I set myself. The next stage it to present them to my tutors so they can pick out which ones I should exhibit for my final evaluation. I have now pretty much finished my project, with the exception of getting my work together to be presentable. It has been a long project and a lot of hard work as I will now go back and evaluate. 

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