Sunday 25 May 2014


For my final major project I have successfully completed a final garment and photoshoot as the outcome of a seven week project entitled ‘Pre-Cinematic Animation Devices’. I have worked hard on this project, and despite some setbacks and difficulties feel proud of (and relieved with) the results. When I originally proposed the ideas I listed three main aims and criteria for completing this project in my proposal which were:

1 To Illustrate a Short Story using pre-cinema imaging techniques eg. Zoetrope reels
2 To incorporate a textiles element into the making of these illustrations
3 To combine these illustrations into a costume piece that acts as a kind of storyboard.

When I wrote these I was very caught up in the ideas of storytelling and narrative, which I wanted to include as a theme due to my interest in costume design. However, as I started researching for my project I decided bringing in a theme so early on gave the project too much initial focus, as I was thinking too much already about my final outcome and the development process with which to reach it. Therefore I initially only researched the devices themselves so that any motifs that influenced my final project could all be traced back to this single original idea. Nevertheless, as I researched and progressed with my project I picked up on the storytelling aspect of pre-cinematic animation devices. By very definition of being ‘pre-cinema’ they were the toys and entertainment that inspired and immediately preceded the invention of film, which became a new medium for storytelling. Therefore, sequences and narratives are often apparent in the subject of these devices, perhaps most notably the Magic Lantern, with which sequences of slides illustrating story were often displayed to groups in a theatre-like set up. Because of this evidence I was happy that, completely coincidentally, my project followed my original aims naturally so that I produced a garment that acts a kind of storyboard without being forced by a strict and overcomplicated premise.

I like my final garment and feel proud to have produced a storyboard of a dance routine presented only through the styles of pre-cinema devices (e.g. slides as stereoscopes depicting combres (a kind of ballet move). The entire garment is made using only textiles and surface design techniques e.g. fabric painting. I am also pleased with this final outcome due to its depiction of movement, another key theme within pre-cinema animation devices that I picked up on. However, with more time to plan and design I feel I could improve on what I have made by creating a more structured garment, one less patchwork in construction and therefore more practical.  

I really enjoyed getting immersed in my project and exploring the ideas I had as they developed. My sketchbook was very useful for this in terms of just getting down my thoughts and seeing how they could be manipulated and progressed. For example, I was able to research each device individually and then clearly see and pick out the overlapping themes between them so that I could simplify my ideas into clear and united themes. Keeping track of my progress on my blog was also helpful in developing my work. By writing about and reflecting on my work so far it was easy to see where my strengths lay and often brought to light ideas by picking out details and common themes I might have otherwise overlooked.
Overall however, the development into my final theme and idea mainly came from my interest in and the studies I did of movement. The life drawing classes I took, while improving my technical drawing skills, also encouraged me to do studies using photography and other media. Then, by looking at this work I was able to see how static images can portray movement and suggest a wider context and story. This idea is then primarily what developed into the idea for my final outcome, and it is one that I found very interesting and enjoyed researching.

Aside from my blog and sketchbook, I also checked my progress against my plan and found time management to be my greatest weakness. As with any project, focus and hard work is key from the very first day, and unfortunately I found the first week or so of this project rather slow going. This was because I had not yet completed in depth and diverse research so did not have much to inspire me. This was also feedback I received from peers and tutors in our weekly group tutorials, and consequently something I feel I have learnt from and can improve on in the future. These tutorials were very useful as they gave me an idea of the level I was working with while also providing fresh perspectives on my work. The most common feedback I received was from those unable to see how my project could develop in the context of a fashion and textiles course. I feel confident that I have successfully overcome this issue and also pleased as one of my objectives was not to be too influenced by conventional sources of inspiration for fashion as I felt it slightly limiting. I am particularly grateful to these tutorials for the range of ideas they provided, as suggestions from my peers are what encouraged me to determine a colour scheme early on.

Now that I have finished all of my work for the year to the best of my ability, all that is left is to gather together my sketchbooks, final garment and put together any other work into presentation boards for evaluation. As part of out evaluation we also put up an exhibition. For mine I planned to put up a couple of photographs from my shoot. The final decision on what we put up was made by our tutors and mine picked out my sequential photos from the shoot as a strong representation of my work: 


I had these printed onto high quality semi-gloss paper and mounted onto foam board before putting them up in my exhibition space. With this done I will take in the rest of my work and leave it for external examination. All that is left to do now is nervously anticipate my results. 

Despite the fact that I will not be studying a design based subject next year I have thoroughly enjoyed the past year, from the practical skills it has given me in things such as photoshop to the new perspective it has given me on the nature of ideas. I feel it has broadened my outlook and this is something that I hope to hold onto as I study philosophy next year as unconventional and creative ways of thinking and inspiration can be an asset in that field. The challenge of coming up with an entire project and all the work independently was scary at first but in the end just adds to the sense of achievement. This is another useful skill not just in design but in any area of study. I hope that I can keep up with artistic outlets in my free time in the next few years and perhaps re-visit this area following degree or as a career.

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