Sunday 12 January 2014

Deconstruction Project: Week One

Our first project after Christmas is a two-week one on deconstructed fashion. In preparation for our first day we were asked to bring in items of clothing from several categories: tailoring, eveningwear, sportswear etc. We then spent the day modelling these on the stand, taking them apart and trying different styles to inspire us when making one final garment out of these items for our outcome.

I had at my disposal, two jackets, a dress,  skirt, a swimsuit, a ribboned cardigan, and a scarf.
Below is a selection of the work I did throughout the day:

 While working on these we were encouraged to focus on the details in the garments and the ways in which they are constructed. Understanding this is important in making high quality products, and so we photographed and photocopied our garments and their detailing and studied them in our sketchbooks:

When we started this week I was a bit slow getting my work together and so it took me a while to get into the project and start to produce my best work. I understand the importance of the technical skill a project like this will teach us, however I found the starting point a bit thin for development purposes and so didn't produce as much work as I should have. I hope once getting past the back from the holiday feeling I will be able to step up the standard of my work.

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